
Ice Skating and Lunch in Bowling Green

Anna Claire got to see her Kindergarten BFF today. ❤️

I love these two girls. We truly enjoyed spending today reconnecting with this sweet family.

We were all beginners at ice skating which was a relief, and trying out skating on the ice out of town was an added bonus – no risk of running into anyone we knew while stumbling around on skinny blades! 😏

We ate lunch at the most charming restaurant next door, by the fireplace.

Then we couldn’t resist stopping at the soda shop in Elkton on our way home.

The girls were so relieved to know neither of them had been ice skating before.
Learning together

Hey mister, could you take our picture? I’m not in many of them.
These little siblings have so much personality!

Sweet girls loved seeing each other again
Warming ourselves by the fire after skating
Dinner at Mariah’s across the street from the rink. So good!
The “big” fireplace

Couldn’t resist stopping at L&R Soda Shop on the way home